哇靠...XD 在新專輯推出前還滿讚賞環球的宣傳網頁的 怎麼現在MV覺得打的不多啊? 煩惱歌快出來啦~~~>< |
:lol: 今天大概10點半左右時也有看到呢! 超帥的拉~哈哈 請問一下版大:影片的語法怎麼找 譬如youtube的?? |
謝謝SAND :-D 讓我這沒第四台的可以過過癮 學友最後講"哇靠"這兩個字 還挺奇妙的感覺 :lol: |
感覺有點生澀,可能不習慣這種廣告吧 :lol: |
isn't "靠" a swearing word (foul language) in taiwan? what does "哇靠" mean in taiwan? can someone in taiwan please explain? thanks~ |
[quote:911518f68e="neihomai"]isn't "靠" a swearing word (foul language) in taiwan? what does "哇靠" mean in taiwan? can someone in taiwan please explain? thanks~[/quote] 哈哈 :-D 學友講哇靠我也好奇查了解釋 不知對否 :roll: http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1205081817568 哇靠是一種嘆詞∼如:有一ㄍ人跑步跑超快∼一般人都應該會冒出:哇靠...怎麼跑這麼快∼大概就是這樣解釋∼!!︿︿" |
呵呵~"哇靠"應該是台灣才有的用法吧.... 太可愛了--->"哇靠我是張學友"!! |
[quote:46e54d2f98="neihomai"]isn't "靠" a swearing word (foul language) in taiwan? what does "哇靠" mean in taiwan? can someone in taiwan please explain? thanks~[/quote] You are right. This word is from Taiwanese which means the same as "Damned!" But as it gets more and more popular with young people, it is simply an exclamation to show the speaker's excitement, whether it's happiness, anger, or whatever. Personally I find it rather offending since I still view it as a foul word. |
多謝sand先~ ;-) YA! :evil: 就知道2月份的頭號人物一定是學友~ :lol: 哈哈~那下個月終於可以〝保證〞看到很多學友啦! 哇哩咧~ :shock: 張學友,祢說那2個字怎麼會那麼好笑呀?! 一聽到,翔翔我當場在電腦前大笑!大~~~笑! 這證明學友不會罵這髒話啦~乖乖......... 雖然這是MTV的慣例,但還是覺得說那兩個字好難聽唷~ :-( 原本還在想說學友該不會也要說吧?! 結果,學友當然還是說了,但......卻造成意想不到的〝笑〞果?! 8-) 哈哈哈哈哈~學友祢實在是太可愛啦! |
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