[影片]2004-11-20 CNN - TALK ASIA (2/3)

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小柏 發表於 2004-11-21 01:54
bylxj 發表於 2004-11-21 02:08

tam 發表於 2004-11-21 16:03
:35: 第一篇回應忘了先多謝情天哥哥, 真的衷心感謝提供這珍貴片段, 希望有更多外國人知道中國出了一位非常藝人. 如此優秀出色 !
Ester 發表於 2004-11-21 19:30
AL 發表於 2004-11-24 11:07
Welcome back to Talk Asia. That is a clip from the 1988 movie "As tears go by".  Jacky Cheung's performance as a frustrated low-level triad member won him that year's best supporting actor award at the hong kong film award. Jacky, you've obviously done a lot of films and won accolades for it.  But what takes preccedence, singing or acting?

I love singing.  If i have to choose one between singing and acting, I would choose singing of course, it's more personal.  But I like acting too... I mean you... you can act... you can be another person, that's kind of fun.

You have several desk jobs one I read was with Cathay Pacific when you first started. How did you make that dream going that maybe one day you can make it in the entertainment business.

That's not my dream.


I dared not dream about it.  You know I had no relations, I don't know any people that are related to this business so there is no way in actually so... I love joining singing contests because I like the excitement that I can get through the process, so that's the only thing that I can get I think, and accidentally I got a contract, so that's how I'm in.... I mean, I'm a practical person actually so I stayed with my job until I really got a big success in my first album then I start creating it, actually I've been in both career...

At the same time

yeah at the same time for a few months actually

Wow amazing.  Now what about your parent?  What did they think suddenly desk jobs to you know singing sensation?

As long as i can give enough money back to support the family.. and my mom always said, it's ok for boys to get into this business because.. you know we heard a lot of rumours about the business, . for girls, you'd better think, think more, think deeply because you might give up a lot of thing...   but for boy, what are you going to lose.. just go!

So they're supporting you all the way?

My mom, yes, all the way.

Good. Your dad?

My daddy is an engineer on board.  He's travelling everywhere all year so I don't have much time to talk to him. and of course he didn't say anything, didn't say any no to this.

Right.  I read that in the 80's, latter part of the 80's, you had some tough times, you weren't doing so well and you.... now correct me if i'm wrong,,  that you started drinking and you know that your career was going down. Is that true and how did you manage to pull back up?

Yes it's true. it's all printed...

You never believe what you read, right?

Well those days, you can believe some.  Well yes I picked up some bad habits at that time, I started drinking with some friends and the worst part is I couldn't control myself after drinking and .... yes at that time my career's going down. but it's normal trend I think.. you couldn't just keep your career all the way up there, it should go down a bit and then you start to pick up something, some of the mistakes, what's wrong and then you correct it and maybe you climb up again.. that is how it goes... again the thing is you've got to keep working...like that movie that you just showed, at that year, that's the worst year of my singing career,  But I'd been doing a lot of movies at that time..  so you've got to keep yourself busy, either doing this or doing that, so... of course if you have chance, you've got to grab it and you've got to keep doing it no matter what it is.

How did you pull up yourself back up again?

You have to face reality... you can't just bury your head into those bottles... the other day after you've awaken, you're still the same person, you're still facing the same problem, same difficulties....so you just stand up and face it, then start doing everything from the very beginning, and check what's wrong and fix it.

What is the biggest price you would say that you would have to pay for fame?

well I'm not the "star" kind of person.  you know I don't want to be a star, i want to be...I love singing and I love acting ..I want to lead a normal life and that's why I'm actually sending my kid to school...and doing what all the parents did.  If I have to say one thing that I couldn't be as normal as everyone...

That's privcay, would be...

I'm ready to give up some of my own privacy, but not my family, that's the bottomline.

And what's the best part of being who you are?

The best part is you're doing something you really love to do and that will give you a better standard of living and that's good I mean...

And you're making good money of it

I have to clear this point that it's not ... I'm the lucky one, I'm the lucky one.. and there are lots of other singers that are known or they are new before and they're just gone...

Hm.. they couldn't make it, that's why.  Jacky, we're going to take another very short break.  When we return, a brand new role for Jacky Cheung.
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