[影片]2004-11-20 CNN - TALK ASIA (3/3)

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sand 發表於 2004-11-21 00:11
Bo 發表於 2004-11-21 00:51
一起唱起來,旁邊的人以為我瘋了 :lol:
雨林 發表於 2004-11-21 02:00
阿兆 發表於 2004-11-21 11:03
哇~~ :-o
看到了感覺很~~~~~~~~爽爽爽 :lol:
tam 發表於 2004-11-21 15:27
:arrow: 學友講得太好了, 我是說他的英語程度讓我震撼, 香港中七程度, 竟這樣流利, 不像香港式英文, 我的加拿大朋友都說他講得像外國人, 太驚喜了! :arrow:
Ester 發表於 2004-11-21 20:11
expensive 發表於 2004-11-21 21:45
AL 發表於 2004-11-24 11:14
That's another one of Jacky Cheung's famous hits "A thousand heart-breaking reaons".  Luckily his real life is not quite so heart-breaking.  He's happily married and a proud father of a 4-year-old daughter.  Earlier this year, Hong Kong Disneyland appointed Jacky as their spokesperson because they say he stands for everything that makes Disney so special.  Jacky why.. why Disneyland?  Why the spokesman for them?

They came to look for me.  and I've been watching lots of Disneys and movies with my kid.  I think it's about time for me to do something that I could share with my kid.

What do you want to achieve?  Raising your profile or?

I just wanted to do something that I ... you know I've been in over 60 movies and sing a lot of songs and yet most of them I can't share with my kid for the moment actually.  Now as the spokesperson of Disneyland so I can tell my kid what I'm doing now.

And she can relate to it, right?

She can totally understand and I can show her everything that I'm doing.

You have done so many things in your life, acting, singing.. Is there something else that you'd like to do but you haven't done yet?

A lot.  I don't know.... I... I'm thinking of travelling...I mean really looking into the world... I mean..  yes I've been travelling to most of the ...many many countries, most part of the world, yes, but I just worked.

That's not the same, yeah.

When I really have some time off, I would love to see the world with my family.. maybe when my kid's getting...

A bit older yeah,  so she can appreciate it.

When someone picks up Jacky Cheung's CD, anywhere in this world, what do you hope they will get out of it?  What do you hope they will feel when they listen to your music?

I just want them to feel what they feel ... I think what's the importance about songs.  It can make you feel something.  If you can feel something from it, that's what I want actually. You can feel from my album, you can... it might dig up some of your off feelings about something, about memories, or what, whatsoever, it can ease your pain or it can make you happy for a while and make you relaxed for just a second, that's good enough, that's what I want.

And it's also so amazing that people who don't even understand let's say Cantonese or Mandarin, still buy your albums, still listen to you.

Well it's good when you heard something about it.  They're not because of who you are, they're just because of your music, your voice and that makes you feel good.

Jacky thank you very much for coming.  We really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you.

No no no I'm so happy to talk to you.

Thank you.  Devoted entertainer, philanthropist, husband and father, Jacky Cheung.  And that is Talk Asia this week.  Be sure to check out our website at cnn.com/talkasia for upcoming guests and you can let us know who you'd like to see on the show, the address talkasia@cnn.com. Thank you very much for joining us.  I'm Lorraine Hahn.  Let's talk again next week.
chiasan 發表於 2004-11-25 10:33
AL的提供讓我們多了很多單字學習的機會~~  :oops:  

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