完全聽不懂耶 :cry: 真後悔英文沒學好 |
學友在訪問裡好可愛喔!他的英文算講的不錯的了,而且那位主持人講那麼快,他能完全聽的懂還跟他一起在那鬧,表示他英文能力不差啦!不過他再星正哪位主持人的國語時真的很得意ㄟ(他自己也說那位主持人是惟一一位他可以修正國語的人哈!哈!)我有聽過2000年那次的訪問學友講的比98年流利也講了比較多東西,主持人好像是同一位的樣子,因為那位主持人有說上次見到學友時他還沒結婚,不過這則訪問還沒結束吧!還想在繼續聽ㄟ |
怎麼覺得....學友講英文的感覺跟Jackie Chan有點像的說~~ 有一點點的大舌頭,然後....想像得出學友跟主持人講話時臉上的表情喔~~ 好像會很靦腆的感覺~~而且他們聊得很開心耶~~ 學友是不是有要主持人別笑那種聲音啊~~說他聲音沒形象,不像真人聲音之類的...還說要把主持人的國語錄下來做紀錄~~終於可以糾正別人的國語了~~ :lol: 好想聽完喔~~不然再來個五分鐘也好~~ 想聽啦~~難得聽到學友講英文吶~~ :oops: 超愛學友的嘉珊^^ |
不好意思....因為又再聽了三次,所以..... 主持人是"巧克力"嗎~~學友跟他的感情好像亂不錯一把的.... 之前也聽過他的節目....是個白目的很好笑的主持人~` 有說到學友結婚的事,沒請他去參加婚禮~ 以為只有他沒受邀....然後就一副很受傷的樣子~`唉唷,好寶喔~~ 而且主持人他也很愛笑喔~~在問學友什麼時候會有小孩時,笑得個開心的~ :lol: 然後學友就說~他覺得主持人的聲音是很性感的~~很有感情的....類似啦... 然後要主持人別笑得那麼....卡通嗎....還是什麼....出現了幾個聽不懂的字.... 學友又講了一句~要他笑得像個真人的聲音~~ 而且學友邊講邊笑耶~~真的是很能想像學友的樣子~~ 後來又糾正了主持人的國語.... 唉唷~~真的想聽吶~~想念學友... 超愛學友的嘉珊^^ |
This is really Jacky 張學友 on the radio. in case you think that i'm kidding 聽眾朋友, 是真的, 張學友 是真.. 是真的 他總是喜歡欺負我的國語, 那就算啦 i'm not going to speak chinese again You did get a little bit of improvement. Yeah Jacky this album's called "No Regret", 中文名是什麼 不後悔 I think I'll ask you this question before we do anything else. After all these years, all this success, is there any motivating force behind all this great work? What is causing you to keep on going so strong, so long? Well you... well... if you want to quit and you don't work hard.... I mean... I mean you have to work hard to keep yourself staying in the business. that is why.. I mean I love singing, yeah I'm not... I never think of retirement for the moment, so .. you never think of .. do you ever, because the way you sing, do you ever actually think that this is work... when you go to the recording studio, do you ever sit down and think, "I've got to work today"... cause it seems.... No no no no I enjoy it. You know I do enjoy the recording and I do enjoy singing on stage. you know watching your show.... that leads to the question. Your videos are so dramatic even your singing is dramatic too. it's always like a feeling that jacky is not singing, jacky is just giving you his soul. Is that true? Thank you, I have to treat it as some compliment. Thanks. Is that true that it was happening. cause you know a lot of singers, they just look at the words and they sing. but you seem to bring those words to life. it's a real magic just listen to you sing, just like.. was it like A-mei that's why you guys could be a great combination, it's a truth thing Well I'm telling you the truth. I always think of that yeah I always think of it. but you know, again.... it's a feeling. oh jacky also... you just got married. No not just. well to me you're just... well I saw you last time you were not married. It's not. It's just that I'm not telling you. It's just that I'm not telling you that I got married. You didn't invite me to the wedding either I didn't invite.. i didn't invite anybody. I'm so hurt oh no no no come on please. I'm gonna bring you ?? and everything in your wedding... gush... was it about... you know they told me, "listen Ron, Jacky's just got married one year ago. Please do not ask him when he's going to have a baby." ha ha .. jacky... don't tell anybody. but I have to ask you, when will you have a baby? ha ha.... when? So childish. I know... I'm sorry... but i've got to.... You know your voice sounds so sexy, sounds so magnetic thank you jacky but what you are thinking is so silly! naive! so childish, come on how come? they told me that you hated that... you gotta be sound like a real man please, sorry jacky don't spoil, don't spoil your voice, the magic of your voice please really i'm sorry jacky... let me ask you very calmly. yeah jacky okay... when will you have a baby? the day will come when you have a child.... you know jacky the reason I ask you that question though... what would you... what kind of world would you build for your child? would you want him to be an entertainer, you want him to be a superstar after you, he want him to be an actor? He can be what he's gonna be. You support him 100%? of course why not. if he wants to 聽眾朋友, 要是你給 jacky 張學友講話.. 如果你要給他講話.. 打電話給我 286.... Eh eh eh eh eh.... oh oh oh jacky see... that's why I ask you already so ..... cause I know, listen, they're gonna call you so "jacky is it that ..you already got 太太 " ... sorry i have to ask you these things so I know .... now you don't have to bother about these things... see that's why I did that Can I correct your mandarin again? You're going to correct my mandarin. yeah who's going to do that? OK? 不是給我講話.. 是跟我講話 是給誰... 跟 oh 跟, 對 together with yes Jacky, 謝謝, Jacky, 謝謝 it's alright, my pleasure, I'd love to. 真是不好,.請你不要再欺負我好嗎...真??臉 不是??臉, 是丟臉, you know you're the one, you're the only one that I can correct your mandarin. yeah you know other people correct my mandarin so often. |
謝謝AL的翻譯喔! 不然我可能永遠聽不懂在講什麼 |
AL可是釋放自己版響噹噹的人物呵 幾乎包辦所有翻譯 否則看不懂中文的友迷便不知學友的消息 想不到來這裡的第一貼也是當翻譯 |
哈哈哈....他們兩個好可愛喔.... 張學友英文也不錯喔... 可以用英文對話是不簡單ㄝ.... 偶像...偶像.... :-D |
醬可能會顯得我有點無聊~~ 但我真的很喜歡這段....所以又聽了一次~~ 然後也看到了~~AL的補充~~ 用"補充"這個形容詞也不知道對不對....想不到別的.... :oops: 有幾個問號的地方想要補充一下~~ 講到學友結婚的那一段~~DJ說學友沒有邀請他參加婚禮~~ DJ說"i'm gonna bring you??"....那兩個字是"紅包"~~只是發音怪了的紅包~~ 然後快結束的地方.... 要學友別再糾正他的國語了...."真??'臉".....那個是"丟"~~ 因為DJ發的音是二聲....學友就糾正他.... 不是"ㄉㄧㄡˊ''.....是"ㄉㄧㄡ"~~ 雖然說聽了五六次了...但再聽的時候都覺得很好笑~~ 真的很愛這段~~ 當然,感謝AL的''補充''喔~~ 這可不小段呢....得花點時間吧~~辛苦了~~感恩 :lol: 超愛學友的嘉珊^^ |
呵~~好好笑喔~~那個DJ跟學友的對話~ 幸好有人翻譯~不然會有點搞不清楚~呵 |
手機版 | 文字版 | 【學友熱】Jacky Fever Club
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