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[英文專輯] 【Touch Of Love影音專輯】【英語】【2001-03】

jacky 當前離線
890 小時
jacky 2012-12-1 15:25

21世紀最值得期待的英文影音專輯,歌神張學友跨世紀最熱賣英文專輯[Touch of Love] 呼應千萬歌迷熱烈迴響,推出學友首張英文影音專輯 。

  已成功踏出亞洲多時張學友,終於推出首張的全英語大碟,而此碟的幕後製作班底更是精英盡出,曲、詞、唱都在水準之上,身兼歌手、製作人和老闆的歌神張學友親自從來自全球六百多首創作DEMO中挑選歌曲,在錄音室唱了上百遍之後才終於錄製完成。這張英文專輯的主打歌是「Lost Christmas」,這首歌是來自於馬來西亞的音樂人的創作,非常溫馨抒情。這張英文專輯采雙CD包裝,除了英文專輯,另外還附贈一張CD,共收錄了4首新歌,包括二首國語及二首粵語新歌,其中收錄了他演唱的麥當勞跨世紀廣告主題曲,這首國語歌是由彭佳慧的男友陳國華作曲、林明揚製作;另外還有成龍過年賀歲片《特務迷城》的國、粵語主題曲以及香港電訊廣告歌「一生一火花」。


1.Lost Christmas
2.Corazon De Melao
3.This Time Nesxt Year
4.And Then She Hit Me
5.I Got It Made
6.Speak Without Words
7.Every Time A Good Time(歡聚歡笑每一刻/麥當勞廣告曲)

1.Lost Christmas
Written:Joe Christie/Xavier Denoly Arranger:Goh Khang Long

I wish Christmas could be good again
That you could forget everything
Just for one day I'd take you right back
To when you were a little girl
To when each day promised you pearls
Before you grew up

And I wish that we owned the house we live in
And I wish that we had no bills to pay

And I wish I could find something this Christmas
Something so valuable that it didn't cost

Happy Christmas to you
May all your dreams come true
And may somebody save you tonight
And may you still believe that I might
And may some things just turn out all right

2.Corazon De Melao
Lyrics:Hans Ebert/Jose Antonio Rodriguez/Manuel Tejada Music:Jose Antonio Rodriguez/Manuel Tejada

Corazon De Melao,Melao Melao
Corazon De Melao,Melao Melao

Emmanuel thinks about the girl
He knows all too well
She's got him tangle
And she's got him in her spell
She dances with his mind
And she dances on the floor
And she knows how to drive him So lo-co!
(ad lib-passing chord: so she goes) chorus by Emmanuel

Emmanuel knows she's trouble
But what else can he do
She's got him'round his finger with her different points of view
She can dance away her troubles she's danced into his life
She got him working hard for him all night!

Corazon De Melao,Melao Melao Melao
Corazon De Melao,Melao Melao Melao

Emmanuel seen it all But no like this before
A girl who turns up the heat By walking through the door
and when she hits the dance floor
She burns up all the lights
She's the one and only one thing in his sight

Emmanurl just doesn't know Where this all is gonna lead
He only know what he wants And what he really needs
He needs to know what makes her tick And all her other games
He knows no other woman be the same

Corazon De Melao,Melao Melao Melao
Corazon De Melao,Melao Melao Melao

3.This Time Nesxt Year
Written:David Lindsey/Liz Smith Arranger:Martin Tan

Tonight you say,that I'm your only one,
You caress me tender,Until the morning comes,
The sound of your whisper,Ringin' inside my ear,
I want to hear those same sweet words next year ooh~~~
Change: So many lovers, other lovers came and gone
Makin' promises forever only till the next one comes along

So why don't you tell me,This time next year,
Will you still love me true,Or will I be losing you,
Why don't tell me,This time next year,

After all the ups and downs,Are you gonna be around,
Don't ever leave me,Don't ever go away,
Just tell me I got nothin' to fear,
Baby this time next year.

I love you so with all of my heart and soul,
Don't wanna lose you,Don't want this love so grow old,
Not much am I askin',All I want is you,
I feel you inside my heart,
With every little thing you do.

4.And Then She Hit Me
Written:Curt Benton/Eliot Sloan/Jeff Pence/Walt Aldr

7:35 I came to life and threw my pants on and I
searched for shoes to fit the groove to get my dance on to
Take a ride into down town on main street where
A friend of mine was playing live down at RBC's
But girl friend is talking so long
Hogging the bathroom and the phone
Then she had the nerve to say the words that I should click and go
And don't change mood with attitude and I said...you should talk
Right then I knew I blew it Right then I stepped into it
I knew that I would need a drink to get through it
She just turned around and smiled....
And then she hit me And then she hit me
We walked in at half past ten and the place was packed
Saw some friends I tried to smile but my face was jacked
Cut the casualtiesand made a bee line for a bar
Surprised I made it cause the leash it only goes so far

Long Islands in my system I feel like Sonny Liston
By the second round I was going to town and she was in her coat
I said I will find a ride tonight but baby you can go
Right then I knew she blew it I found her drama amusing
She took another drink and must've said screw it
And she just turned around and smiled....
And then she hit me And then she hit me
I know I drive her crazy I bring out her best and worst
It's not her fault she loves me but
It's all my fault when she gets hurt
Right I knew she lost it
She drew line and I crossed it
I was drinking like it's water from fauset
And I just turned around and smiled....
And then she hit me And then she hit me
And then she hit me

5.I Got It Made
Written:Rick Grandin/Matthew Senatore

It's hard to sleep at night when you're lonely
It's hard to get the date when you're homely
if I could spit in my face Hey please baby can I get your number?
Cause losers are look like so much funner
She told me, 'Can't we just be friends?'
She could have mentioned that before she let me in
I shave my head, I take a bath
My clothes are cool but they still laugh
I don't get luck, I feel so lame Boy, do I got it made
I bet you probably wished you never met me

But I'd gladly kiss your brown eyes if you let me
We might as well go and have some fun
Because I know that you're gonna dump me when you're done
I ask you once, I beg you twice I don't get stone and I don't have lice
You said it ain't me, 'Please understand....'
That you like him and you don't like me
I ask you out, it never fails
You're too busy painting your nails
I feel so lame, I am so ashamed Boy, do I got it made
Yea.... It's hard to sleep at night when you're lonely
It's hard to get a date, me so homely

6.Speak Without Words
Written:Frank Musker/Richard Darbyshire

I can feel the night upon my skin and I can't sleep
You know I want you, you know I want you
I can feel the fire, my desire burns so deep
I need to love you,to feel you want me too

And I never knew I could love you this way
And I want you more than I ever could say
Don't make me wait, baby do it again
Over and over again

Your lips, speak without, speak without words
I can feel you deep inside of me
Feel my body sweetly lose control
Speak without, speak without words
When we kiss I feel the mystery
Touch my body and my soul

In the velvet silence I reach out to touch your skin
And there is magic, in every part of me

When I hear your voice inside my head and I begin
To understand your secret poetry

And I never knew I could love you this way
And I want you more than I ever could say
Please baby, please baby, do it again
Over and over again

Your lips, speak without, speak without words etc.

And I nevr knew that your love was so strong
And I never knew it could last so long
I'm gonna do everything that you want
Tonight, oh baby,just reach out

(Spanish chorus) Tus Labios, habian En to poder mi
entrego a la passion
Haslan sin,Hablan sin decir Tu me resas y te biento aqui
En fundo do mi corazon

7.Every Time A Good Time(歡聚歡笑每一刻/麥當勞廣告曲)

a 遊樂場的每雙笑眼 旋轉木馬和昇天火箭
紅冰棒 綠鞦韆 點點滴滴 對妳的思念
a2 從不管分隔有多遠 心中默契不曾改變
妳是我快樂的來源 溫暖著我每個視線
b 真真切切 笑臉填滿每一天 愛有各種滋味 有你在Every
time a good time 永永遠遠 愛妳我堅貞不變 心在瞬間
溶解 因為我有妳陪在身邊 有妳在 歡聚歡笑每一刻
a3 讓相聚有妳的畫面 我不經意就笑得很甜 這首歌
輕輕唱 串起每個暖暖 時光


a 尋找美夢的現場 尋找力量 直到不相信世界說的謊
尋找陌生的圍牆 尋找方向 直到懷念熟悉的模樣
b 總是在沙漠中等待海洋 尋尋覓覓總讓我們堅強 找到了
一個肩膀 迷失了一雙翅膀 誰答應我們一定有答案
c 找到的或者找不到 一樣有風光可以欣賞 誰知道誰在這一
路上受了傷又會怎樣 走得快或者走得慢一樣趕得上地老
天荒 誰知道我們來這一趟是為了找一個伴

repeat a b c
coda: 找一個伴 這一路上

作曲:Ron Irving
編曲:Iskandar Ismail

每一年 每一月 每一夜
沒有你 總是缺少了一些
面對著眼前的挑戰 我像是斷的箭
無力衝向前 沒有明天

但當我想起你 就有無窮的勇氣
閉上眼睛 吸一口氣 再走出新意義
哪怕地動山移 祇要有你在心裡
這生命充滿了奇蹟 愛就是一切的動力

多少風 多少雲 多少雨

躲過去 總又必須再相遇
挖空了心耗盡了力 卻輸給了天意
陷入黑暗中 在孤獨裡

不管努力上千萬次 夢想它在哪裡
挖空了心 耗盡了力 最後遺失了我自己

只要想起你 就有無窮的勇氣
閉上眼睛 吸一口氣 再走出新意義
哪怕地動山移 祇要有你在心裡
這生命充滿了奇蹟 愛就是一切的動力
有了愛一切 都可以


a1 當 信念找到翅膀 如像你我 抱緊了對方
  當 我在天邊碰到海角 煙花發放

b 抱你入懷 彼此世界 無限廣大
  我在你眼內 看到的愛 教我跨過了深海

c 一生一火花 擦亮這夢境 如像歌者加上了歌聲

  一天一火花 創造滿天星 如像窗框加上最完美風景
  展開雙臂 分享千里 緣份以光速見證

coda: 吸引 最多眼睛

a2 當 笑臉找到眼神 唇遇上吻 叫一切誕生
  當 故事照到兩位主角 開始新生

Repeat b, c, c

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