我覺得咱們的學友熱真是每天都很熱... :lol:
不然,學友會不會覺得很寂莫 :cry: ...怎麼討論的人不多呀?作者: neihomai 時間: 2006-1-18 02:58
his official site is too slow ~_~作者: 流星 時間: 2006-1-18 09:12
Date/日期 : 2005/2/20
個人官方網頁,說著說著,終于和大家見面。談不上什麼大製作, 但總算了結了心願,也能加强我和你們的聯繫!大家有什麽要說,盡情告訴我吧!至于雪狼湖,經過十一場大陸的演出,來到農曆年稍作休息,好讓大家輕鬆一下!我們四月中重回香港,無論故事、節奏、燈光、演出的語言,甚至是演員都有所不同,請大家多多支持! My official personal homepage in finally born. Althoughh it is not quite a masterpiece, but at least it is a dream come true to me. I hope that the homepage bridges You and I closer in the future. Do not hesitate to leave me messages there! This musical "Snow Wolf Lake" will be showing in Hong Kong again in April. I hope to see you all there!
To Jacqueline Edwards, he didn't plan to record any English songs this moment. Moreover, there won’t be any DVD or VCD for “snow wolf lake” until the show comes to a completed stop. And he didn't heard about any plan to translate the show into English. For the movie, he admits he had play so many “crazy” characters before and he like it very much, he also want to take a chance to play different kind of roles, such as commedy and romantic.
To 童話,,他認爲人長大了,就會對很多東西有要求,當想的得不到,便不開心!所以一切隨心囉!但要是你對長大有懷疑的話,就代表你還沒有長大,無論你幾歲。他同意小時候我們希望長大。可是長大了,我們幷不希望回到小時候,只希望保留小時候的一些東西,比喻說那份熱心、那份好奇、那份衝動!另外,愛一個人告訴他,要走的人就讓他走!
To Chiasan,成功招標跟他演戲的應該是劉小姐,那場戲已經拍完了,相信她也覺得拍戲不怎麽好玩吧!但還是很感謝她喜歡!
To 雪悠,人越大會越不開心的原因,他前面已提過,所以工作的時候,只管做。不想結果,要做、要好!也要同時知道我們不是超人,要接受我們有弱點、有缺點。我們必定把弱點消除,把缺點改好!只要給我們時間……
To Queeny,學友還未看你上載的花絮與劇照,有空定必抽空看,謝謝!
To 精儀,他真羨慕你有個好朋友、老朋友,祝你們友誼永固!
To daoyuez,學友已托我問了唱片公司,有關的「音樂無疆界」與「95臺北演唱會」暫無計劃出版DVD,對不起!
To Iris,成都演出曾經談過,最後告吹了,學友也覺得很可惜!
To 邱*qiuyangzxy,對不起,他的地理不好,徐州在那?剛看了地圖,是在鄭州附近嗎?你有去看鄭州的演出嗎?
To Philip,he want to tell u that everyone in his family is quite good! Thanks! He has put your suggestion in consideration before, but we cannot make it in Sydney, sorry about that!
To 讓你飛Mr. Cheng,對於「95臺北演唱會」DVD,不如你們寫信到環球吧!
To 月亮,曾經聽過一個朋友說︰「我媽媽離開,我才覺得自己長大了!」要是這是長大必須付出的代價,學友就寧願不長大。可是長大又是無可避免的!節哀順變!爲了天上母親,你要活得更好!
To Kelvin,學友希望在他70歲的時候才收到你的一份終極禮物,屆時才算終極嘛!
To lijuan,請放心,如果「雪狼湖」真的不演下去,可能會出版DVD或VCD的,所以你還是不會錯過的,我們不是常常可以得到我們想得到的,盡了力就好,這是天意!這是人生!
To chichi,希望你這次來香港沒有被嚇壞了,又丟了護照、又擠得要命……謝謝所有台灣來的友友!
To Vanjean, he guesses you might hear about this over a hundred times, just try your best, forget the result! If the final result is not that good at all,, there must be something wrong, so sit back, relax, review everything, find out the problem, try again, who knows, one day, you may make it. If you can't t, at least you've try!
哈哈 :lol:
超可愛的友友作者: donmo 時間: 2006-2-5 16:56
yeah, it's good that I recently visited the site and found his messages. He teaches us something about life thru some of them. THanx le. Jacky.作者: peige 時間: 2006-2-5 17:30