smilekay 發表於 2003-6-19 00:34


對不起!!! 借這版面一用......
就我所知,台灣演唱會cd 附有歌詞集和慶功宴的相片集;香港的演唱會cd 就沒有歌詞集........現在希得補領:

1. 我剛去唱片舖取回歌詞本
2. 可以直接上上華補番 -->電話:27306777

未有快些去補領 ;-)

上華的製作與安排,太差勁!!!!! :-?

LiLiAn 發表於 2003-6-19 05:42

i have bought in HK
have a!!

wchpeng 發表於 2003-6-20 00:21

i bought it from tower records malaysia, is imported version, how to get it ?? please help me .....

小吟 發表於 2003-6-20 22:08


ㄟㄟ   有智慧吧

jessiew 發表於 2003-6-28 01:53

I already got the 歌詞本 from 上華, the book is beautifull.

LiLiAn 發表於 2003-6-28 08:45

I already got the 歌詞本 from 上華, the book is beautifull.

That's right
i think so!!!
love it so much !! :-D
i also have the poster
have u got it?
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 給沒有歌詞本的香港友友!